We hope you are really enjoying your Fusion Devotional book and CD – and we thought it may be nice for the performers on the CD to discuss some of the themes and reasons why these particular seven songs were chosen, to perhaps open up some more possibilities for prayer while listening. These are purely my interpretations of the songs – you may have another – but that’s the joy of music; everyone interacts their own way.
PS If you would like a copy of the devotional they are £3.50 each. E-mail Andrew for more details.
Empty Me
As Lawrence and I were planning what songs to perform for the CD, I pitched for a short introduction song – only 30 seconds long – that provided the listener a chance to ease into Fusion, with perhaps a few words, forming a prayer that would lead into what would happen next.
Upon our travels, screwed up pieces of paper of possible verses and time spent finding chords and melodies to sum up our intentions, Lawrence found the perfect song had already been done before.
Empty Me is the way to start Fusion. To be emptied of everything that is of ourselves, in order to make way and accept all that which is God’s. It is us who has to make the first step. As scripture says:
“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” James 4:8 (NKJV)
From that, it’s quite evident that we have to show the willing, to offer and sacrifice before God moves in our lives.
Holy Fire, burn away my desires for anything
That is not of you, but is of me
I want more of you, and less of me
Empty Me