Tuesday, November 07, 2006


In my daily devotionals the other morning I read a passage from Deuteronomy where Moses laid out a challenge/command before the Israelites – will you follow God?

It sounds like a ‘no brainer’ doesn’t it.
To follow God or not to follow God. If that is the question you’d have to be a serious moron to decide upon the latter! But it is easier to do the latter.

This is what Moses said to the Israelites:
“Love God, your God.” It sounds easy doesn’t it? We naturally ‘love’ God, how could we not? But more often we are not consumed by ‘love’ but something more akin to ‘spiritual lust’, desiring God without the relationship or commitment [on our part]. That is not how we love God; loving God takes commitment over everything else: “Walk in his ways. Keep his commandments, regulations, and rules so that you will live, really live, live exuberantly, blessed by God, your God, in the land you are about to enter and possess.” Deut 30:16 (Msg)

My friend’s MySpace has the heading “I Choose Life!”
When we wake up each morning and commit ourselves to being Christ’s disciples, choosing to follow him [through the day, in every decision and encounter], we are suddenly living. Living exuberantly, blessed by God.
I’d say it is better to have a blessed day than a day free from trouble!


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