Wednesday, November 15, 2006


I find it amazing that God would replace our emptiness with His fullness. In fact He looks for emptiness; if we are full of ourselves what is there that He can give us?!
This is something that Rebecca St James describes in a recent blog on her MySpace:

“I had a good weekend last weekend - an event called Thrive that was actually telecast across the country to churches. I want to share with you a little story that was actually happening behind the scenes with me. I was actually not feeling very well the day of my concert (physically, emotionally and spiritually just feeling quite venerable) and I was a little nervous about sharing the stage with the calibre of the other women at the event – women such as Kay Arthur, Liz Curtis Higgs, and Lynne Hybels via video to mention a few. If there was ever a time to feel it was ’game on’ musically and every other way for me, it was now – and I wasn't feeling that way at all. I spoke to a friend right before I went on and asked her to pray for me. She said to me, "Rebecca, I want you to remember the whole biblical idea of being 'jars of clay'. Even if we have only a few drops left in the bottom of the jar – that's a good thing! It allows God to fill us up--rather than us being filled up on our own strength." She said I want to encourage you to go out there knowing that God can use you probably more effectively in your weakness than He could if you were feeling strong today.

I want to tell you it just changed my total perspective and outlook so, so much that day. It was like an instant transformation! My spirit just felt so much lighter and free. I was able to share honestly with the audience about how there needs to be a place for honesty and vulnerable within our relationships. It promotes community and an atmosphere where we can then turn to God together. It's a powerful and beautiful thing!

I hope that encourages you in your week this week to be straight up with those that are closest to you about what's going on in your life - and to find your strength in God and in the community that He's given to surround you.”


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