But that is not the only resurrection that has been on my mind this morning. Ruth is having a day off work today to be pampered (not by me – phew!) and I drove into the office this morning alone. For the most part of my journey the sun rise was ahead of me and the beauty of such a spectacle never ceases to leave me with a sense of awe. As these first rays of sunlight reach out spectacularly across the sky it is as they are commanding life to re-enter the landscape; everything comes alive again.
This, of course, may have just been running through my mind because I was listening to a fantastic [but definitely not to everyone’s taste] CD by Randall Goodgame. The chorus of one of my favourite songs goes like this:
I rise up like a Lazarus in John 11
Throw off my grave clothes,
Put on the Armour of the Lord.
I rise up like a Lazarus,
Dry all the tears Mary cried.
When I fall down on my knees
I rise!
Now I’ve written it I can’t stop singing it in my head!
The story of Lazarus has always gripped me. I think this is mostly because of the authority of Jesus’ voice.
Jesus called in a loud voice, "Lazarus, come out!" The dead man came out, his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen, and a cloth around his face.
Jesus said to them, "Take off the grave clothes and let him go." John 11:43-44
Lazarus was dead.
There is a line in a David Crowder song that asks “Do you feel when your last breath has gone?” Lazarus knew the answer for sure. But then the unexpected happened. From the grave he heard a voice, one that his soul and body had to obey. What does it feel like to be dead and then heard the command of Jesus to rise up?
The same thing once happened to us [if you have asked Jesus into your life – if not see link on ‘becoming a Christian’]. When we Jesus came into our lives for the first time we came awake; we arose from the slumber of the spiritual grave we inhabited. All this happened because we heard a voice, his voice… calling our name.
We live [in Christ] because he called our name.