Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The reason we are put on the Earth.

Some people leave a lasting impression on you, even if you have never met them in person!

Unexpectedly Steve Irwin was one of those people for me, although I never really noticed this until I heard about his sudden death yesterday while he was filming a documentary for his 8 year old daughter. It shook me up and, I have to say that, even though he was on the other side of the planet, the world seems a little more empty for him not being here any more.

Ruth and I have been praying that in some way (and God works in mysterious ways) that He would comfort Steve's young family. Since they were on my mind I found myself Googling his name. In doing so I came across something that Steve was once quoted as saying in an interview; he described his daughter Bindi as "
the reason he was put on the Earth".

Perhaps because Ruth and I could well be expecting a daughter of our own in December this really hit home.
What is the reason we are put on Earth. It is something that we all think about at one time or another. However, being a Christian I believe that you and I do have a [specific] reason for being here. We may fal into the trap of 'looking off to the horizon' for the big purpose for which God has put us on Earth for (you know, the kind of 'save the world' sort of purpose). In doing so we can easily miss the most significant reason that God placed us here for.

Most of you will be part of a family. You could be a son/daughter, or mother/father, or brother/sister, or aunt/uncle (or indeed a number of these). Since this is the case I can say with a reasonable amount of certainty that they are one of the main reasons why God has placed you and I where we are. God expects us to be a [positive and constructive] influence upon those closest to us. If we neglect this or indeed have a negative impact upon them then we are failing in what God wants from our life.

"Train up a child in the way he should go [and in keeping with his individual gift or bent], and when he is old he will not depart from it." Prov 22:6 (Amp)


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