Thursday, September 07, 2006

Trigger point.

When Ruth and I learnt of Steve Irwin's death on Monday we both found ourselves wanting to give a financial support to the work that he passionately campaigned for in Australia Zoo. As I thought about this desire that we felt I realised that in some small way in Steve's absence we suddenly wanted to play our part continuing the work that he had been engaged in. How mad is that!?

As I pondered this strange reaction I wondered if I would trigger a similar reaction in people. If I was no longer about would people suddenly feel a need to give [in some way] to the work that I was involved in because in some small way they believed in what I wanted to achieve and didn't want it to stop?
Would unexpected people suddenly give to it?
Would people outside the church suddenly feel the need to contribute to financially to the work in Bethel because they knew that I would give as much as I could to seeing the church touch other lives positively?
Would people step up to continue Fusion because they shared in my vision to see a church in Newport massively engaging with God and those outside the church infusing Newport with the qualities of eternal life?

Would our lives be a trigger point for others to suddenly do the unexpected?

I want to have such a positive contribution to Newport that I become a trigger point, what about you?
Do you have the desire to be passed by unnoticed, or is there something more burning inside you?


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