Wednesday, September 20, 2006


As Christians our reactions are the greatest revelation to those around us; the way we react to situations, people and comments will either be a deny Christ or acknowledge him.

Everyone watches everyone else. Every second of every day you are [unconsciously] assessing people. If this did not happen we'd never interact with each other, it's natural. However, as Christians our desire is that people see the echo of Christ is our actions and reactions.

"Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful... Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone." Col 4:2, 5-6

I always used to attribute the last verse (about knowing how to answer) as being connected with spiritual conversations. For example, if someone asked you why you have to believe in Jesus you should be able to give an answer that your pastor would be proud of. That sort of thing. But as I have thought about this I have begun to realise that it is much wider application. How we answer every situation is important.

How do we react when:
- we loose our keys in the morning.
- our kids throw a strop in the supermarket.
- we are cut up by a boy racer.
- save £10 on the pair of jeans we were buying.
- we are invited out for lunch.
- a stranger asks us for the time.
- we are offered the chance to buy a copy of the Big Issue.

The list goes on but in each of these the validity of our Gospel is proclaimed.

I remember when arguing with my mum as a 'stroppy teenager' she would challenge me to listen to what I am saying and the way I am saying it and to think about what it says about me (naturally I didn't). As Christians it is less of an issue as to what our reactions say about us but it is what our reactions say about Jesus [the one we love, and who completely loves us]!


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