Sunday, September 10, 2006

Faith to follow.

I am a follower of Jesus Christ… am I?
A follower is not someone who simply appreciates the wisdom and sincerity of Jesus' actions and teaching. It is not something intellectual it is rooted in action.

In Matthew 9 we read about the 'birth' of a new follower:
As Jesus was going down the road, he saw Matthew sitting at his tax-collection booth. "Come, be my disciple," Jesus said to him. So Matthew got up and followed him. Matt 9:9 (NLT)

Matthew was one of the last disciples to be directly called by Jesus. He had missed out on the awesome teaching Jesus gave earlier on the mountainside, and yet he doesn't respond like a man that has missed out on anything. After leaving the booth he hosted a meal for Jesus at his home and invited all of his colleagues! He immediately began to facilitate evangelistic situations!

Am I following Jesus as convincingly and eagerly as Matthew?
It is a challenge.

Jesus often calls us to follow him but in our daily [routine] lives and as a result we sometimes become complacent (in his letter this is something that James had to confront in some followers when the church was still young). Let's not wait until we hear Jesus say "Come!" before we figure out whether we are really following him.

Come on my fellow follower, let's wake up each morning with the same whispered prayer on our lips:
'Lord, my life is Yours; my health, my family, my career, my finances, my future. I will nurture them as best I can with the wisdom You teach me, but keep them from become more precious than You in my life, as dear as they are to me. I am Yours and I will actively follow You today where ever we go. Amen'


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