Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Three little words - 8 days to go.

It is usually the case in our church that we have a team of three people praying through out our meetings in a small prayer room that we have just under our main hall.

This Sunday, after we were about half an hour into the service, I realised that only one person on the team, Albert (or Mr Brett), had turned up since the others were ill. So I went down to suggest that he come up and join the meeting.

Mr Brett is not a young man. In fact I wouldn’t even say he was old, he has a depth of maturity which age cannot pin down. What is more his passion for God makes it even harder to put an age on him. Love and faithfulness hides age far more than any oils or creams can.

When I got to the prayer room I found Mr Brett sat there quietly reading from Mark’s Gospel as the worship continued unabated over our heads. I quickly explained to him why the others had not shown up but instead of accepting my offer Mr Brett said that he was fine and would continue to pray.

Glad to hear his sincerity and commitment I shared a couple of things with him that he could pray for and indeed give thanks for. As our conversation came to a conclusion Mr Brett looked at me and said, “God is faithful.” Nothing more was said. I could see in his eyes, and the hushed passion in his voice, that he meant what he said; it wasn’t just a turn of phrase. It was just three words but it was clear that they were uttered with years of experience. The look in his eyes expounded on these words, extending their meaning way beyond what the words could carry on their own. In his eyes was written fusion; the combining of his story and God’s faithfulness.

I knew from the way Mr Brett looked at me that these three little words were true, without a shadow of a doubt; God is faithful.


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