Thursday, January 25, 2007

To the max.

There weren’t many of us on the bus to work this morning; the cheerful bus driver with a quiet voice, a young woman in a super-girl tee shirt reading Chris Moyles' new book, a bloke who I recognise from the office, he has glasses and the grey complexion of someone who smokes too much, and a young lad who was sat behind me. It was quite peaceful really. The traffic was hardly moving and so the slow movement of the bus was quite relaxing and the morning sun was streaming in, dappled by the tree branches which were still bare from winter. Everything seemed so beautiful; I couldn’t soak up enough of it.

As I enjoyed this moment I reminded myself of something that Jesus once said: “I came that [you] may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).” (John 10:10 AMP)

Some may think that a full life is where you get to satisfy all your longings, others may think it is when they are in the office or making money, but it is in fact more than this – much more. A full and satisfying life is when we know ourselves (our role and purpose) and who can redeem us (Christ). When we discover these things our lives begin to overflow, out of a thankful heart we begin to serve [God and others]. Our compassionate actions allow others to discover who they are and who can redeem them. When our life joyfully (and sacrificially) touches the lives of others we find ourselves living life to an unimaginable max. Why? Because God is with us, leading us and strengthening us and rejoicing with us. What can be better?

-Andrew Carey


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