Saturday, September 23, 2006


I was sat at my desk in work the other day, busy typing up a [beautifully written] report on my PC when all of a sudden I was blinded. Not permanently [of course] but dazzled nonetheless by an incredibly bright light coming from the far end of the room. I tried to ignore it but it was too bright.

It was emanating from an object on a desk at the far end of the room. Surely someone couldn't have been so irresponsible as to have brought a mini sun into work! Besides shouldn't security have noticed the sudden shift if gravity caused by the presence of this small star in the office and denied them access?!

I tried changing the way that I was sat at my desk but it was no good. In the end I went down to where the unbearable light was emanating. It turned out to be a picture on a woman's desk; a small framed photograph of her little Scottie dog. A seemingly innocent object until of course it began reflecting the full intensity of the sun straight at my desk!
I politely asked if she would mind angling the picture slightly to save my sight, and she did.

This photograph looked nothing like the sun. It was of a cute looking white dog sat patiently on a green lawn. Very sweet, and yet its reflective qualities meant that from where I sat all I could see was the sun!

"Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit." 2 Cor 3:17-18

As I began to regain my sight I began to reflect on this; as Christian's we should have similar qualities to this photograph in our day to day lives. We may not look like Jesus, and in fact our lives may nothing like Jesus' daily experience (I guess he never had to struggle to remember his PIN while getting cash out of an ATM, or answer the phone for the umpteenth time that evening just to be sold a new mobile phone contract) but we should angle ourselves so that it is Jesus that we reflect; his radiance bouncing off our lives, shedding light and bearing testimony to his mercy.
Who do people see when they look at our reflection?


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