Thursday, August 10, 2006

Close enough? #4

"But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the Sovereign LORD my refuge; I will tell of all your deeds." Ps 73:28

I do not belong to Wales, even though I love my home here.
This is not because I am English; it is because I am God's!

I was born and raised [by a Scottish mother] in Sussex, but when I left home to go to university I [casually] made a small but significant acknowledgement which transformed me far more than I anticipated; I decided to make God my home. I naively declared this over my life so that I wouldn't feel homesick or lonely when away from my family and friends. I reasoned that if God was my home, and He is everywhere and is always near me, then I cannot ever be 'away from home'. Brilliant!

What I got instead was far more [and better] than I bargained for!

Making God our home requires us to maintain an intimacy with our Heavenly Father. Without intimacy we only become lodgers rather than residents. Armed with this attitude means that we can always be at home among God's people, wherever that may be; every church has a flavour of home!
I remember one our first holidays together, my wife and I found ourselves camping [uncomfortably] near a small Scottish village. On Sunday we thought we'd just head into town and see where people went and then follow them. This led us to a grand looking church. It was a Church of Scotland, which is 'high' church and so our hearts sank a little because we read the order of service and didn't really understand what it was on about. But no sooner had the vicar stood to open in prayer we could feel God's presence. It was amazing, we didn't grasp a lot of the service but it was incredibly uplifting to be surrounded by God and by people who loved and served Him! We were at home in God's presence.

Being at home everywhere [intimately close to God] also gives you an openness to speak about the owner of your home; your saviour :o)


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