Monday, August 07, 2006

All washed up? #7

Have you seen the episode of [the popular American sitcom] Friends where Monica discovers that her mother has no faith in her and always expects her to fail. In fact her mother had even developed a saying; when you fail at something you are “doing a Monica.” When Monica realises this it nearly crushes her until her friend Phoebe makes her believe in herself again; she can succeed. In the end Phoebe re-invents the saying so that “doing a Monica” means that you succeed against the odds.

There is a saying “all washed up” which means that something is useless, worn out and of no further value. How about (without telling the Oxford English Dictionary people) we re-invent that saying; let’s transform it, so that it focuses on Christ alone. When we are “all washed up” it means we have nothing more to give, and we start operating only in the strength and wisdom Christ gives us; it’s all him. To be “all washed up” is to see God at work in us.

The Apostle Paul’s career as a Jewish religious teacher was all washed up the second that he met Christ on the road to Damascus, as a result the news of Jesus left the Middle East and the world got to hear about salvation!
That’s what I’m talking about.
When we are all washed up our friends, our families, our city gets to hear about Christ and souls are saved!
“For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” Phil 1:21


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