Friday, August 04, 2006

All washed up? #6

"Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless." Eph 5:25-27

Yeah, sure this is a handy reminder for us men to love our wives [men, if you are reading this, do something unusually nice for your wives today... not the little things I'm sure you always do, but something unexpectedly loving]. Anyway, that is not what caught my attention here. It was what is described as cleansing the church; it is God's Word!

How do words cleanse?
I know that words rub off on us. I mean, the other day I was reading a newspaper [a broardsheet no less… well, when I say 'reading' I mean 'looking'] and after a while I noticed that the print had begun to rub off onto my hands. As a result I kept leaving little shadowy fingerprints everywhere!
By how do they cleanse us?
I don't know, but I know that God's Word does!

I have struggled this past week. I have found sin ambushing my mind more than ever. It was frustrating and annoying and disheartening. But then I realised that I had been too busy to include God's Word into my daily routine. I had not been washing myself in God's Word and the dirt had quickly built up. You can smell when someone hasn't washed [especially in this heat] and sin can smell the same on us! The dirt soon built up on me and in dirt disease [of sin] has all the space it needs to grow and infect until we end up thinking, saying and doing what we don't mean to.

Stay clean, stay washed up, stay in God's Word.
A sentence a day keeps the devil at bay!
This weeks prayer points:
1. Rejoice because we are cleansed and redeemed, washed clean through the blood of Jesus.
2. Remember that Jesus washed his disciples feet and that we are also called to service. Pray that that you will remain humble in your service for your family, your church and your community.
3. Just as light shines brighter in darkness, pray that those in need of Christ we notice what He has done in your life; how he has cleaned your act up.


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