Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Prayer focus for August :o)

As I said yesterday the fusion event is being postponed until November so that the fusion team can help out in redecoration work at Bethel. The plan was to also cover this period with a series of prayer points which accompany the work being done (as though we will be decorating with paint and prayer!). Here is an explanation of each prayer focus and it’s relevance to the work:

Washing (week 1). The first part of any redecoration is washing, a restoring; getting back to a clean surface. It may not be exciting but it is essential to the success of everything else that is

  1. Rejoice because we are cleansed and redeemed, washed clean through the blood of Jesus.
  2. Remember that Jesus washed his disciples feet and that you are also called to service. Pray that that you will remain humble in your service for your family, your church and your community.
  3. Just as light shines brighter in darkness, pray that those in need of Christ we notice what He has done in your life, how he has cleaned your act up.

Intimacy (week 2). In this second week of the project no work undertaken. This is because the youth (the main driving force behind the work) will be away for a week long conference called ‘Audacious’. The hope is that they will enjoy the conference having an intimate encounter with God.

  1. Pray that the youth will be focused on God as their main reason to be at Audacious.
  2. That they would have powerful encounters with the Holy Spirit, and through this they would discover God’s purpose for them.
  3. That they would be inspired to serve and to build the house @ Bethel upon their return. That they would be fired up to be God colours and flavours in their schools, families, colleges, work places as well as within their church.

Centre (week 3). The third week sees the work recommence and it is all the woodwork that requires glossing. This outlines the entire space and reminds us that we are out lined by Christ.

  1. Pray that we will be a church defined by our unity in Christ rather than our differences in tastes etc.
  2. Pray that as individuals in the church we submit ourselves afresh to the authority of Christ, allowing ourselves to be moulded into his likeness.
  3. Pray that our very lives will bring Christ into focus for those around us, that our decision, our actions and our reactions will reveal Christ’s influence in our lives to other. And it will make then hungry for Him.

Kanvas (week 4). In the final week the walls will be painted and colour added.

  1. We are living stones within the church and so pray that that our lives will be Christ revealing; for me to live is Christ!
  2. Pray that in every walk of life in which we find ourselves that we will bring in God colours and flavours in all we say and do.
  3. Pray that our boundaries will be expanded; that souls will be saved through our witness. That God will spectacularly build His church through us!

As I said before, I can only apologise for spelling canvas with a K and not a C but it was so that together all 4 prayer focus’ would have the acronym “wick”. I thought this would be quite good since it encourages us to remember that we are to shine the light of Christ in this city of ours. This is particularly apt since the redecoration work is being done now in preparation for the SHINE women’s conference in October which shares this as it’s theme.

Through out these weeks the blogs featured here will relate to these prayer focuses.


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