Friday, July 14, 2006

But thanks be to God! - Part 3

“Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!” 2 Cor 9:15

What is this indescribable gift?

It’s something truly amazing and unexpectedly complex.
The church in Corinth decided that God had made them ‘wealthy’. This is not to say that God had increased their income in any way; they simply reasoned that all their income was a blessing from God, and since He was their provision they could afford to be generous with it. This change of thinking and mixed with little financial savvy [no doubt, something we are all gifted with if we choose to exercise it – but our culture of instant credit doesn’t encourage us to] meant that they had become wealthy enough – even though their income had remained unchanged - to generously bless those in need.

Here’s the unexpected effect: Genuine brotherly love triggered a transformation in personal financing within the church, this overflowed generously which blessed God as a result of their obedience. Those whose lives benefited from this prayed for the church in Corinth, for their every need to be met. This too became praise to God!

When we truly allow Jesus to infiltrate our lives (even the most personally areas of our lives such as finances – letting him hold the purse strings!) indescribably amazing things happen. It causes people to glorify God and before long it can snowball around the globe…. and all that just from our wallet!
Now that’s indescribable.

“Carrying out this social relief work involves far more than helping meet the bare needs of poor Christians. It also produces abundant and bountiful thanksgivings to God. This relief offering is a prod to live at your very best, showing your gratitude to God by being openly obedient to the plain meaning of the Message of Christ. You show your gratitude through your generous offerings to your needy brothers and sisters, and really toward everyone. Meanwhile, moved by the extravagance of God in your lives, they'll respond by praying for you in passionate intercession for whatever you need. Thank God for this gift, his gift. No language can praise it enough!” 2 Cor 9:12-15 (Msg)


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