Monday, August 21, 2006

God's canvas #2

I am not a natural artist.

I remember when I was young I would enjoy the process of mixing paint, although I would more often than not end up with brown. Not a delightful rich brown, but a turgid and revolting one. Many a picture was never even begun because of this problem.
Every time I began with such vibrant and lively colours; red, yellow, blue, green. Oh they were beautiful. I would squirt a healthy amount of yellow and then a bit of red; orange, great! I'd keep adding and the colours would change until all vibrancy was gone.
Initially the yellow and red were working in harmony but somewhere along the line that harmony stopped. The colours were no longer complimenting each other.

This sort of thing can also affect our lives. We are called to bring out God colours in the world, this requires harmony in our lives. To reveal God to the world our church needs a whole spectrum of colours; from one end to the other. Some people will be next to us in the spectrum, others will be the opposite end, but if we do not harmonize and compliment [encourage, bless, strengthen, support, care for] each other we become 'turgid' rather than vibrant.

"Finally, all of you, live in harmony with one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble." 1 Peter 3:8

Pray this week that you will see '[God] colours' in your Christian brothers and sisters. Find people at the opposite end of the 'spectrum' from you and encourage them. What you will discover is that your God-colours will seem all the more vibrant and by doing this God can be seen.


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