Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The centre of it all # 4

Most people will define their lives by their longings, the things that they desire the most; football, money, pampering, a quiet life, respect, power, a family etc.
That was once true for us as well.
"Once true?!" You are probably thinking. "I am still defined by my longing, it is just that I now long for Jesus more each day."
You are right, of course, this longing is part of us, but read this:
"For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and you have been given fullness in Christ, who is the head over every power and authority." Col 2:9-10

We now have fullness. It is that which now defines our lives.
It is natural that [as Christians] we long for more of Christ in our lives, but [as full-on Christians] we do have Christ at the centre of our lives. We therefore have his fullness living in our lives. However, living [each day] just in our own strength results in us living with emptiness rather than fullness. The challenge is for us to rely on Christ, to live obediently to his calling, courageously trusting him beyond our own strength and ability because then we will be living in fullness. Our longing then becomes focused, not on ourselves, but sharing this with others.


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