Sunday, June 18, 2006

The beautiful game – or, A greater victory!

Has anyone been watching the World Cup? :o)

Of course you have! Even if you don’t know the first thing about the sport (like me) you are bound to have at least watched some of a match. Take last Thursday, for example, I would usually be watching the mayhem of ‘Coach Trip’ unfold at 6pm (C4) but I sacrificed this just to watch England play.

In work one of the teams near where I sit put on a World Cup sweep stake. Just to join in one of the girls, who doesn’t have the slightest interest in sport of any kind, bought a ticket; the team she picked from the hat was…. Brazil! What are the chances!!!
After this strange things then began to happen. For example her sister came home the other day amazed to find her sat in front of the TV enthusiastically cheering on ‘her’ team! How the chance of a cash prize changes people’s view of things :o)

Any way, loads of people are watching the World Cup for a whole number of reasons. This means that they are being exposed to something rather unusual; have you noticed it?
The theme music that the BBC has adopted totally surprised me. Rather than celebrating a World Cup victory (or the hope for it) it celebrates a much greater victory… The Cross. The music they open each program with is the hymn ‘Thine Be The Glory’ (and so it is broadcast on at least three occasions a day – that’s way more than Songs Of Praise!). The England team are even carrying the cross emblazoned across their shoulder. If you find yourself talking about the football this week why not bring into the conversation a victory greater than 1966.

Thine be the glory, risen, conqu’ring Son;
Endless is the victory, Thou o’er death hast won;
Angels in bright raiment rolled the stone away,
Kept the folded grave clothes where Thy body lay.

Thine is the glory, risen conqu’ring Son,
Endless is the vict’ry, Thou o’er death hast won.

Lo! Jesus meets us, risen from the tomb;
Lovingly He greets us, scatters fear and gloom;
Let the church with gladness, hymns of triumph sing;
For her Lord now liveth, death hath lost its sting.


No more we doubt Thee, glorious Prince of life;
Life is naught without Thee; aid us in our strife;
Make us more than conqu’rors, through Thy deathless love:
Bring us safe through Jordan to Thy home above.



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