Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Here I am.

Even though I know that we are here to reveal the salvation/hope/joy of Jesus Christ I sometimes don’t feel like I can; I feel disjointed and dry like the bones Ezekiel once saw in his vision. How can a failure like me show anyone the way to salvation? We may be called to shine like stars but I often feel like an LED running on flattening batteries. My life is no lighthouse.
This may be a truthful assessment of my life but – here is the breathtaking/giving bit – it is not what God sees. Instead, when he looks at us he sees an army of light! What is wrong with Him; is He blind?!!?!

Ezekiel thought the same as he stood in this nightmare valley of a people not slain but starved into an early grave…. But they couldn’t even bury themselves, they just lay down. God did not look at these bones seeing a vast number of people who had lost their vision, who had ceased being salt and light; He looked, and His heart beat faster because before Him was an army of light! Not even Ezekiel had the faith to think that God could do this and yet despite Ezekiel’s struggle to believe what God has said would happen, God still used Ezekiel’s words (flawed and fragile as they were) to perform this transformation.
If today you stand before a valley of dry bones where your friends and colleagues dwell, rest assured that despite how weak you feel and how flawed and frail you words and witness may be, God is going to use you to breathe life into them. You will hear the wind rushing and broken and disjointed parts being brought together. You will not believe what God will do!

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!" (Is 6:8)
Lord, here I am send me.


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